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Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.
MIME-type | Mulige filendelser | Antal filer | Samlet størrelse |
application/pdf | 8 (2,12%) | 24.643.843 bytes (23,5 MB; 34,8%) |
Total file size for this section: 24.643.843 bytes (23,5 MB; 34,8%).
Tegninger (vektorbilleder)
MIME-type | Mulige filendelser | Antal filer | Samlet størrelse |
image/svg+xml | .svg | 11 (2,92%) | 1.102.946 bytes (1,05 MB; 1,56%) |
Total file size for this section: 1.102.946 bytes (1,05 MB; 1,56%).
MIME-type | Mulige filendelser | Antal filer | Samlet størrelse |
image/jpeg | .jpeg, .jpg, .jpe | 217 (57,6%) | 30.428.152 bytes (29,02 MB; 43%) |
image/png | .png, .apng | 122 (32,4%) | 14.054.536 bytes (13,4 MB; 19,9%) |
image/gif | .gif | 18 (4,77%) | 21.485 bytes (21 KB; 0,0304%) |
Total file size for this section: 44.504.173 bytes (42,44 MB; 62,9%).
MIME-type | Mulige filendelser | Antal filer | Samlet størrelse |
application/gpx | 1 (0,265%) | 499.150 bytes (487 KB; 0,706%) |
Total file size for this section: 499.150 bytes (487 KB; 0,706%).
Alle filer
Total file size for all files: 70.750.112 bytes (67,47 MB).